This is the best advice I can give you for today. Just be a tree! No matter what, stand as tall and as proud as you can. No matter what is going on in your life be a tree and stand tall for what is happening in your life. Things may not be going quite your way, but stand tall and proud no matter what. Everything changes quickly. Things won't stay the same very long. We always have to go through seasons just like a tree...When we are green and full we are beautiful, when we change colors we are also beautiful...but when we are bare...we still are beautiful. Seasons go quickly, so always stand tall and proud.
Go out on a limb...it can be for someone else, or something that you are doing or even maybe a decision you are pondering. Always go out on a limb, you will be okay. Things may be scary at first but you will always have the support you need. Everything always works out the way it is supposed to.
Always remember your roots. No matter how successful you are in your journey, don't forget how you got there. Roots run very deep, never forget where you come from. You can only make it better.
Drink plenty of water...water will keep up pure and purge all the toxins we take into our bodies. Drinking plenty of water will keep us full and hydrated, it will also keep our skin looking young and refreshed.
Be content with your natural beauty. We are all beautiful in our own way. There is no such thing as an ugly tree...the depth of a tree is amazing along with the leaves and flowers, and then the fruit it bares. Always know you are the most beautiful tree in your universe.
Enjoy the view...to many times we are so busy we never enjoy the view. Step outside today and just look at a tree. You will see so much beauty it will put a smile on your face. We all need to start enjoying all the views that the trees and ourselves have to offer.
Have an amazing day!!! Be a tree!!! Until we meet again.