You have to be yourself. In order to be successful in anything that you do, you need to be yourself. Don't worry about what people say or think...because it is only just their opinion anyway.
What makes us unique is all of our different bits of character. We have all these different perfections, imperfections, quirky ways to deal with things, sometimes being weird and mystical all at the same time. We are absolutely beautiful in our own way that no one person can be like us. Each and every one of us has our own way of being, and when we are absolutely true to ourselves that is what makes us successful.
Don't try to fit in...Don't hide yourself to be accepted...Don't change yourself so someone will love you....that will only lead you to failure. Be your true self...Be that person that God has made perfectly...Be that magic girl that everyone wants to be around. You are AWESOME in your own way....Let the whole world know who you are and what you are all about.
Have a great day today being yourself. Until we meet again.