We are all on different paths in our life looking for whatever fulfills us and makes us happy. We start to learn things, change things about ourselves and we sometimes forget that we are all on different journeys. There are no two journeys the same. We all have different goals that we are working towards to make our life complete.
Sometimes we get caught up in who is right, what is the right way to go, what is the right way to do, what is the right thing to eat, what is the right action steps to take on achieving our goals. The answer is simple, whatever works for you. Each and every one of us is different. What works for me, may not work for you and vice versa. There is all different ways that we can change our lives, but we have to find the right fit. If you feel deep in your gut that something is good for you....go for it, don't let someone sway you. If you feel deep in your gut it is not for you...stick to your guns and don't do it. We need to really start listening to what our bodies are telling us. We need to listen for any given situation.
We are very unique human beings. We truly are all different but the same at the same time. We need to really trust what we are thinking and feeling. We really do have all the answers we need; the problem is we don't trust our own instincts anymore. We always listen to what other people are saying along with the media. If someone has a college degree or a higher position in business, we automatically assume they are smarter and know better. Truth is, NO it's not true. We know what is best for ourselves. We need to start exercising that instinct that God has provided us.
Stick to your own path and really experience your journey. Know that you are doing what is right for you, don't worry about what someone else is doing....We have all the time in the world to achieve our goals.
Have a great day my friends. Until we meet again.