Today's inspiration is so very interesting. As we are going through our journey's we will find ourselves suffering or being inspired. Our last journey I was inspired but I also suffered quite a bit. We always get to choose what we are going to do.
I used to find myself waking up in the morning and it felt like all the work I did yesterday on myself always got washed away. I always felt that little bit of a dread that I would have to start from scratch to do it all over again. I could not wait until that day came when I was good no matter what.
When I came across this inspiration today, I realized that I am choosing to continue my accomplishments from yesterday. I am choosing not to start all over again and I am choosing not to dread when I awaken. I am choosing to continue to ask for help when needed and share my feelings so I can hear out loud my struggles.
This journey Empowering Women to be Healthy and Confident is changing my life daily. It no longer is about the size of my body, but the size of my self confidence and how I see me. When I see myself as an amazing strong and capable woman I feel healthier that I did yesterday. I don't seem to get sick and my body is slowly melting.
I realized this morning when I saw this inspiration shared by an old class mate Michael Las Vegas Novelli; I realized I have finally decided to change. Every day I decide to change and be a better version of myself from yesterday. I decided to keep moving forward on my journey instead of being stuck starting over every day.
I hope each and every one of you feels just as inspired as I do. I feel like I can do anything I want in this world. My whole self is changing and I am loving it. My business with It Works Global is taking off and helping me make my dreams come true. My body is finally releasing the unwanted weight the keeps me down, and how I carry myself in public has changed. I am finding myself getting dressed, doing my hair and putting on a cute pair of heals no matter where I go. I am feeling like a whole new person.
My friends please decide to change when you wake up. You will be so glad that you did. Until we meet again.