During this time of year a lot of people tend to dread the holidays, especially when they are going through tough times or loss of loved ones. Maybe money is tight, or you may be out of work...the holidays become even more stressed and dreaded with our troubles.
We all have something in our lives that is not always working the way we want them too. When the holidays present themselves it seems that our troubles become magnified because we feel powerless. Today's inspiration is so fitting for so many of us going through stuff that we feel we have no control over.
"Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason."
As we deal with situations in our lives we never can figure out the reason why at the time of going through it all; however in my experience everything that I have ever dealt with has always been for my highest good. Sometimes the reason is revealed quickly or sometimes it is revealed later, or even much later in life. But it has always gotten revealed at some point where I can apply the knowledge gained to help me in current situations; even if the situation is not mine I can share what was learned to help someone else deal with their circumstance.
As you are going through your troubles learn to let go of the stress; it may seem hard to do but we tend to make situations harder than they need to be. Laugh through your problem; who cares what people think, if you laugh you will be able to see solutions because you are not stuck in the muck of it all. When tears are streaming down your face smile; when you are smiling through tears you are actually releasing the stress and allowing solutions to come in as well. Most importantly everything happens for a reason; you may not understand it right away but everything always works out for your highest good even when it seems impossible.
When you really read and comprehend the words in this inspiration you can actually start to feel a little bit better about your situation. You can really look at your situation differently and know that you will get through whatever it is alive. We tend to make things worse with the unknown of the outcome and pile on the stress of beating ourselves up and just making it worse overall.
As we are going into the weekend, no matter what you are dealing with try to apply these tips and see if you can't make your circumstance a little better. I am going to use these tips to apply to my own self while I have to sit back and watch my son deal with his current situation. I will be the support but I won't create the stress and worry around it. I will maintain being light hearted so we can create solutions instead of more unneeded stress.
Until we meet again my friends...
With all my love....Rita