No matter what faces us in our journey; I am learning to face things head on. Something's are taking me longer to confront and get over, but if I can keep going no matter my life will change drastically.
As I have been writing these past couple of days, you all know that I am dealing with something very serious with my son. The details don't matter, but what does matter is how I handle the situation and learn from it. It is not just my son's lesson, but it is mine as well. I truly feel how I am handling things with my son; he is actually listening to me and realizing that his situation does not have to be as dark and bleak as we make it out to be. What has been amazing is seeing my son planning his future to accommodate the consequences he will be facing in the near future.
We all have something to confront that stops us dead in our tracks. It literally steals our dreams from us. I would say it steals our future, but if we are lucky we will still be here however our future may not be what we want, but we will still have our future. It is a bit complicated to think about...but there it is.
My son has been dealing with his father walking away from him since he was 10 years old; I have remarried and my husband adopted him when he was 12. For me it was the best option to ensure that my son had the best life possible, however for a child he really didn't understand and started carrying around a demon that gets tucked deep down into his toes. As my son grew he would tuck his feelings deeper and deeper, every mile stone his birth father missed, he tucked those feelings deeper and deeper; until he could not tuck any further and he got himself into trouble. We all do this...
My son's trouble is truly a blessing in disguise; he can now start dealing with these issues that he has been putting off his whole life. When we refuse to confront our issue, they don't go away; they find other ways to manifest themselves so that they are dealt with and we can go on living our dreams.
If there is anything that you are refusing to deal with; just deal with it. It may not be easy but you will thank yourself and feel a million times better if you do. I have been dealing with my stuff for quite some time, but now I think it is time to wrap the rest of my crap up and finally say good bye to it. Take the time today to start changing your life.
Until we meet again...
With all my love...Rita