Today's Tip # 12 from "30 Quick Tips for Better Health" by Don Verhulst, MD., Let Go of Envy, Jealousy, and Anger. One of the things that I have realized when I start to let go of anger I have been harboring for quite some time, I tend to feel better and my weight tends to melt away a little easier. When we are have these negative emotions it causes a lot of stress in our lives and especially in our body's. When we are stressed out our bodies immune system does not work at a 100%. Look around you, who is always negative in your life....are they angry, jealous or just envious of what everyone has. Take a good look at them...are they sick all the time, headaches, high blood they have a lot of friends around them, or do people stay as far away as possible. For myself, a few years back, I was a crazy angry beaver....I was sick all the time with cold that always turned into infections, I had sever migraines that would last for days...people did not want to be around me. I started to really do work on myself, really change my mind set. I was not a victim but I acted like one. I felt like the whole world was against me...but that is just not true. Guess who was against got it....It was ME! Can you believe it, I was my own worst person for a while there. I couldn't understand why the weight would not come off, why I was always so sick and angry, tired...just unpleasant to be around. But when I started to look at myself and accept and love myself for who I was...things were really starting to change. This is one of the reasons I am writing this blog. We get caught up in so much stuff; it literally blinds us to all the wonderful things in our lives. I am here sharing with you parts of my life because it is real...hopefully there is someone out there who can relate, and you can start to change your life. The goals that we have for ourselves are so important....we need to keep our minds clear of the negative thoughts so that our bodies can work the way it was designed. I have suffered from asthma my whole life. I have been on some pretty hard core meds that change my thoughts, but the more I stay calm, think happy thoughts I don't get sick as easy and my breathing is better. So my challenge for you is to gage your thoughts, who is around you causing stress, who is around you that is always happy and can find the silver lining in almost everything? Find uplifting books to read, people who seem to be happy all the time. Find someone who will talk you out of your mud puddle instead of playing in it with you. It has helped me in so many different parts of my life; I hope that it will help you as well.
There it is my friends...I hope you are all doing fantastic in our journey together. I can't wait until someone starts to share their story....
Remember plan for Sunday, do an activity that will make you truly happy. Have a fantastic day!!!
See you Tomorrow!!!