We are at an amazing time of our life. We realize things that happen in our lives is not personal. Things happen to build us up and make us stronger...sometimes at the time we don't realize it, but when it is all said and done, we are better for it.
I have been looking at my life lately; you know that question that everyone asks "What are your regrets?" or "If you had it to change what would it be?" I personally would not change a thing nor do I have regrets. Crazy isn't it? The truth is if I change one thing, even if it is a minor thing, I would not be where I am at today. I am sure you are saying to yourself "everyone has regrets..." I don't. I may not be proud of some of my actions in my past however, if I did not go through it, I would have never learned what I needed for living my life today. When I did have regrets, I was miserable and always beating myself up. Now I truly embrace them as the classes I in took at the University of
Life. Think about that for a minute.
Regrets are just another way to punish yourself; why don't you look at your past differently. Instead of regrets or wanting to change something, embrace it and acknowledge yourself for going through it and learning from it. Nothing is supposed to be perfect. We are all here to learn and create a wonderful life. If you are hung up on your mistakes you will never grow, you will continue to keep yourself held back.
Just look at today's inspiration. Really read it and absorb it. God helps you through many challenges in your life. Some we may not be proud of, but life is literally a University we all go to. We have to learn through action; whether the action is good or bad makes no difference eventually we all learn.
Embrace every little bit of you. Don't let what was ruin what may be. Take your life right now and be proud of who you are, what you came from and what you conquered. I made plenty of mistakes growing up, but when I look back I wouldn't change a thing. I have been estranged from my family for 23 years...it is sad I know, but if I did not go through what I did, make the mistakes I made I truly would not be the woman I am today. I have a wonderful family, an amazing son and that has everything to do with what I learned from my life. I miss my family, don't get me wrong, but sometimes we are put on this planet for a purpose...you just have to figure out what your purpose is.
I am sharing myself with you because I want you to know no matter what has happened in your life, use it as a tool to be a greater version of yourself. I put myself in situations that make me get over my fears and hang-ups, and I allow myself to be in situations that helps others, especially women.
Be proud of who you are no matter what the journey, we are all amazing. Until we meet again.