This quote is such a great way to kick start your morning. It doesn't matter what kind of mistakes you make, they are always stepping stones to get you to where you are going. Not being perfect in this journey is the best advice that I can give you and myself. We are going to have our ups and downs; curves are going to come at us from all angles. But what is important is what we learn from the mistakes and how much further those mistakes are going to take us to our goals.
If you just think about it for a minute......................Every mistake you have ever made, you have learned from it. Instead of beating yourself up, just use it as a step to get you closer to your dreams. None of us are perfect...we are perfect in our own way, but not perfect....We get the grace to make mistakes...that is the only way for us to learn....and when we learn....we accomplish great things.
Have an amazing day filled with mistakes and learning....You will be so proud of yourself if you did.
Until we meet again....