Today I just want you to focus on you. I want you to really absorb that you are STRONG. Stronger than you could ever know. For us to be on this journey this long, fall off and get back on, that takes strength. YOU can DO IT!!!
I want you to focus on the you knowing that you are worthy. You are the most worthy person to be on this journey striving for your dreams. We are all worthy but YOU have to know it all the way down to your toes.
I want you to focus on how beautiful you are. We are all different. God made us different on purpose and we each have our own inner beauty along with the outer beauty. What is important is that you know how beautiful you are and how bright your light shines. You bring such a unique quality in this world that no one else has. KNOW YOUR BEAUTY!!! You deserve it.
I want you to focus on that we don't have to be perfect. We are IMPERFECT!!! That allows us the grace to make mistakes and learn from them. No matter what your journey, what your goals are we are always making mistakes so we can learn and create a strong foundation for our lives. Don't strive to be perfect, strive to be imperfect and everything will turn out the way you want.
I want you to focus on you!!! You are one of the most important people in your life. Yes we have our families, but if you don't take care of you....your family unfortunately won't have you. So focus on YOU and make sure you are always taking care of you!!!
Have a great day my friends. Until we meet again.