SO I am excited to share that I am down 46 lbs. I am wearing size 13/14 clothes and feeling a million times better.
I have this quote today because it is so important to know where you are going. As we are on this journey, we need to know what we want and where we are going with it. We need to know that the purpose will fulfill us and not let it be another attempt to get healthy and be all that we want to be. This quote truly speaks volumes to me. When I started this journey it was about releasing the weight, how fast can I do it, how impressive can I be...but over time it has turned into something bigger than that. It has turned into truly becoming healthy. So that I am not sick all the time with asthma along with my body hurting to the touch. It has turned into helping other women who struggle the way I have and truly find something that works. Finding something that no matter what shape or size we are always beautiful no matter what.
When I started this journey I had no idea where it was going to go. Being able to share myself with all of you publicly has allowdd myself to achieve the goals that I have for myself. Making it to the gym, eating healthy food instead of the food that keeps me sick, working hard on my business and growing spiritually at the same time. I love it when I get notes from women who are following me. I love the fact that someone can relate to my struggles and know that they will get through their struggles. Making mistakes out in the open which allow the rest of you to be able to be human and do the same thing for yourselves. It makes a difference when you see someone struggle and then you see their accomplishments. There is always someone out there say they can do the same and achieve their goals.
That is what this blog has inspired for me. I will continue to share myself openly and share my pictures as well. I want everyone to know, no matter what your situation, you can do anything you set your mind to. YOU CAN DO IT!!! It may not always be easy but you CAN DO IT!!! All you have to do is stick with it and never quite. Never give up on yourself.
Take the time today and think about what it is you really want. Where is it you really want to go....I want to be a motivational speaker for all women, I want to be at the top of my It Works business, I want to be able to wear what I want without any judgment to myself. I want all of those things for you as well. So think about what it is you truly want. Also, there is no right or wrong what you want. Big dreams, small dreams, whatever it is they are yours...just make sure you know where you are going.
Until we meet again my friends.