As we look forward to all that is coming our way, it is great to sit and reflect on all the gifts that we already have deep down inside of us. To many times we forget who we are and how extraordinary we are. We forget the power we possess and all the gifts that God has already supplied us with to live amazing successful lives. Truly sit with that for a minute....
Fear is so funny...we can't see it, feel it or even touch it and yet it controls our entire lives. We use other people's experiences to control what it is that we are going to do. If something did not work out for another we take it as truth that we can't do it either. We are so afraid to do something that may make us look silly, or we may experience people's opinions that are put upon us, or we are mostly afraid of someone getting upset with us and not talking to us so we don't do what is in our hearts desire. It's true...I can't tell how many people stop talking to me because of something that I wanted to do and people were telling me no....sometimes it did not work out for me, however other times it did. We can't be trapped by other people's thoughts and experiences that we call FEAR. God has given us all the tools that we need to live and learn. That is what this is all about...if you are not learning and experiencing; why are you here?
Take a chance my friends...yes it is scary. I deal with that every day, but I keep going and taking the steps to fulfill my dreams. Yes, my dreams are silly to people, even the ones I love; but we all have our own life to live, we all have our own mistakes to make, we all have our own lessons to learn from. Most importantly what does not work for one may work for another...who will be that other person it works for?
Use your gifts to live my friends....until we meet again...
With all my love....Rita