Today's Tip # 11 from "30 Quick Tips for Better Health" by Don Verhulst, MD., Watch Your Words. I love this tip. This is something that I am practicing all the time. I may not always succeed in it...but I make a huge effort to watch my words. What this tip is talking about, words to hurt. Studies have been done and prove that words hurt and hinder developments. People who have been verbally abused growing up by bullies tend to have more depression, anxiety and hostility. It's no wonder why our world is turning out the way it is with all the school shootings and the devastating events that are occurring in our world. Words really can hurt. So why do we do it to ourselves.....I am guilty of this myself. For the most part I will catch myself and change my mind set....but I have been absolutely horrible to myself. I would never talk to someone the way I have talked to myself. But we do it....we keep ourselves held back by our conversations we are having with ourselves. We're not good enough, we're not smart enough, we're not thin enough, we're not pretty goes on and on and on. It's no wonder why so many women do not have confidence in themselves. We listen to what someone said once and make it the truth, then we abuse ourselves with those words day in and day out. We are supposed to love ourselves and know that we have value. We were made to be on this earth to do something special and great. We are all here for a purpose, what that purpose is....we need to play out our lives to figure that out. But we need to start looking in our mirrors and telling ourselves how important we are. How beautiful we are no matter what shape and size. How smart we are and how we should be heard no matter what. We love ourselves so much that we would never let anyone treat us badly including ourselves. This truly is a great tip. How many of us always have something running in the back of our brains keeping us from doing what we really want. Or participating in whatever it is that you want to do....Or keeping our mouths shut because we think that nobody wants to hear what we have to say.....I am truly guilty of all these things. We are our own worst enemies. We need to start embracing ourselves and treating ourselves with the love and respect that we need. Maybe then, our world will start to be a better place. When you start to hear the negative words playing in your head, change the channel and place this over and over.....I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I am forgiven, I am precious to God, I am more than a conqueror, God loves me, I am valuable, I have a sound mind, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Or find a channel that will only put the happy positive words in your mind. Not only are we what we eat, we are what we say. Our words are very powerful to our bodies. I have to say, when I have started to really focus and change my mindset and my words, my bodies is releasing the weight. Think of your weight as protection...if we have enough protection around us, we can't get hurt....but consider it is us who is keeping us feeling hurt and in need of our protection. If we loved and cared for ourselves, we wouldn't need the protection and the fat would melt away. Think about it....what is it that you are speaking and thinking to yourself? Is it loving or is it hateful....think about it.
My challenge to you today is say kind things to yourself. Do it all day long, and if you like you can share on the blog what you found for yourself...or you can email me personally at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you.
There it is...Keep doing the great work with yourselves, drink lots of water, get to bed on time, eat your fresh fruits, veggies and whole grains, and say only good happy words to yourself.
Can't wait to chat tomorrow, have a FANTASTIC day!!!