One thing that I have been doing is getting on the scale every day. I need a separation from the scale. We should only be weighing ourselves once a week at the same time after we've pottied and in our birthday suit. Too many of us are married to the scale that makes our lives miserable. I am included in that. Since I have started this blog, scaling is one of my down falls. (I just invented that word) No more scaling.I keep getting on the scale and allowing the number to dictate my day. This journey is about making us look and feel confident, however I am finding that I put a lot of pressure on myself and I am trying to be that perfect example. Guess what, I am just like you. I too get frustrated when I am working so hard and I want that number to go down quicker than I put all this lovely energy on my body. Our bodies have a mind of their own. As we start to lose the weight, it's not only going to show up in the's going to show up in inches and how are clothes are fitting, how people are complimenting you on how you look. We have to be able to take that information and be proud of ourselves for what it is. To many times, and I am guilty of it right now....we say it is not good enough, then in turn we are not good enough....There goes that crazy vicious cycle yet again holding us back. We are starting week 3 on this journey....our minds were letting have fun the first two weeks..."oh yah we can do this", "this is no problem at all" our minds are saying...."hey, what are you doing, I gave you two weeks, now let's get back to the way it used to be....." LOL....does that sound familiar....our bodies are looking for the bad reoccurring habit. This is the time where we really have to be diligent and not fall back into those bad habits. Let me tell you, I am right there with you. Make sure you are talking to people you can trust and understand. This morning I woke up very tired. I felt like I was in a coma, did not want to go to work, and actually felt like crying. Not sure why, but that is how I went to work. When I got to work my girlfriend Melissa was already there bright eyed and bushy tailed. I started to tell her what was happening with me and this is what she shared. "Rita, you are doing a lot for yourself right now, and not only that you are doing it in front of the whole world along with you have taken away a lot of your vices that your body is asking for back. You are strong and keep doing what you are doing because you are helping a lot of women out there." My girl Melissa is a fantastic woman that allowed me to see what I am doing is bigger than myself. Melissa has inspired me to tears, happy tears and I am sharing this with you today. Every day is not going to be perfect, but if we acknowledge it and share it will get easier to get through those days. I am forever grateful to Melissa, because she talked me off the ledge. I am feeling much better, I feel awake and full of joy right now. All I needed was a pep talk. I am glad I did not call in sick, and I shared how I was feeling with Melissa, because I am refocused and ready to go. We are in Week 3 and we are making some serious changes in our lifestyle!!!!
Today's Tip # 10 from "30 Quick Tips for Better Health" by Don Verhulst, MD., Sleep Better and Live More Productively. Sleep is very important. For us to function and be productive in a day we truly need to get between 7-9 hours of sleep a night. The best hours to get a deep restful healthy sleep are between 10 pm - 2 am. Start to make changes on getting to bed on time. When you are fully rested your day will become much more productive than when you are trying to lose sleep and squeeze in more than you can actually handle in a day. Not only that, people who are getting 7 - 9 hours of sleep a night; live long, their bodies are healthier and they are overall happier people. So my challenge for you is to start getting to bed on time and make sure you are sleeping between 10pm and 2am for sure!!!
Alright my friends, that is what I have today. Keep drinking your water, move your body, eat your fruits, veggies, whole grains and get to bed on time. Most important, BE KIND TO YOURSELF. You are amazing and you are doing great things. Have a FANTASTIC DAY!!!