What do you have in store for your day today? What a question to ask yourself. How are you going to spend this amazing day?
Today's inspiration a came across a few days ago and I have been really thinking it about it a lot. It is so true that we do have two major dates in our lives. The first date is when we started our life and the second date is when we ended our life. But what about the dash?
How are you spending your dash? Are you living your life to the fullest and enjoying every moment? Are you staying away from the Negative Nellie's that bring you down? Are you doing all the things in your life that you have always wanted to do?
Isn't it amazing how one tiny inspiration can cause so much self reflection; I have been thinking about this inspiration for the past 3 days. What am I doing in my own life to make sure that I have an amazing dash? I am practicing putting all my fears aside and jumping into my life with my whole body. I do what I want to do and I don't do what I don't want to do...I am making sure that there is no reason for me to complain about what I wish I was doing.
It truly is an amazing inspiration. I always tell my husband; on my grave I don't want it to say "she kept a clean house". I want it to say "she lived her life fully and make a mark that can never be erased or forgotten". How cool is that? That would mean from this day forward I would have to live my life fully without regrets, and without the woulda shoulda couldas.
Today and from this day forward my friends, take everything that you are gaining from this journey you are on and live your life. We will always continue to be the best version of ourselves but have the time of your life in the process. Don't let anyone put something dull or drab on your dash.
Until we meet again may friends..;.