Today's Tip #9 from "30 Quick Tips for Better Health" by Don Verhulst, MD.; Eat Bible Food. Now I did share with you that this book is spiritual and I want to be mindful of your beliefs. What I found for this tip is to eat fresh fruits, veggies and whole grains. What comes from seeds and produces seed that is what we should be eating. The whole grains have to be true whole grains. Anything that is enriched or bleached or modified is not whole grains. So you really have to read the packaging on your breads. For the most part I don't eat bread. I will roll up meat with some cheese and eat it that way. I saw on Pinterest a sandwich where the cucumber was the bread. It was very clever. So as we are drinking 1/2 our body weight in water we are eating fresh fruits, veggies and whole grains.
As I am writing, today I am feeling off...not sure what is up...but had to share. Maybe it is the one pound that I released and I am saying to myself..."PLEASE DON'T GO BACK TO OLD HABITS". For me, I have been changing my lifestyle. I am changing the mindset of having to had given up...or I can't have....or even feeling majorly deprived. Then when you see the work you are putting into yourself, only one pound comes off. Well, there it is...this is why this blog is so important. There are so many angles we have created for ourselves to stay stuck and not move forward. I could jump back in the old reoccurring habit....but not this time. I feel so strongly that we are all successful in our journey. That no matter what, we are changing our mindset and moving forward with healthy happy habits that will only reward us. Writing this blog allows me to stay in integrity with you. It allows me to be honest and show you who I am to the bare bones. It really is a big deal when you take on such a huge responsibility to another human being. That is how I feel for all of you. If I give up, it gives green light go for some of you. Some of you will be not me, not this time....and some may not even care that much. But my goal is that Every WOMAN LOOKS and FEELS CONFIDENT in everything that you do and wear. I am so grateful to each and every one who is sharing their story with me, and maybe you will start to be brave enough to share it on the blog. However your journey, it is yours. I look forward to the day when we are sharing and supporting each other and giving great tips to keep us moving forward.
My task for you today is this, keep track of the water that you are your fresh fruits, veggies and whole grains. Don't forget the raw seeds from a few posts prior.
I thank you from the deepest part of my heart for your following this blog. We are strong beautiful women who will succeed in our journey!!! Thank you!!!! Have a FANTASTIC DAY!!!