When we spend time outside, we are spending it with God and nature. It is amazing how someone can feel so at peace looking at a beautiful tree changing its colors, or the sun shining through some of the bare trees already. Or even the fall puffy clouds that have crept in. It is amazing how October 1st came a long and fall was here. You could feel it, smell it from the leave changing, people are burning. It is an amazing time of year.
For me, fall is my favorite time of year. It allows me to look back on how fast it all went. Along with how I enjoyed the spring, what I did in the summer, and now I look forward to the fall festivities along with the holidays coming up.
We are in the middle of the month; November is just a few weeks away. Everyone is going to start to prepare for the holidays and get a little crazy. This year do yourself a huge favor. Enjoy every moment. Don't get yourself caught up in the doing. This is your journey in releasing the weight. You want to start to prepare yourself now. If you take each day as it is, don't have any expectation on it. Take it as it is, you will have an amazing holiday season. It truly has already started....the candied apples, festivals, popcorn, pie, cakes...then we have Halloween and before you know it, it's Thanksgiving...that will set all the crazy shopping in to full swing along with all the holiday parties. Do it different this year. When you have a party to attend, enjoy yourself. Have some control but enjoy yourself. Don't make it about the alcohol and the food. Make it about who you are celebrating with. Plan for what you are going to be doing. If you have a party and you know you are going to eat and drink, fast for the week prior and after. When I say fast I mean, eat very light, and make sure you take in a lot of water. Be prepared for the party, so you are not the one racing to the gym and doing crazy diets to get the extra 10 lbs. off from eating.
The best thing we can do right now for ourselves is to take a moment and get a plan together. Get outside and enjoy the beautiful fall days. Before you know it winter will be here, and then we are looking towards the spring season.
Have a great day my friends. Until we meet again.