Trusting yourself is so very important. We all have that intuitive feeling whether something is right or wrong for us. Always trust your gut and that very first instinct that pops us for you. Nine times out of Ten you are usually spot on. The more you start to practice trusting yourself the more confidence you will gain in yourself. You will stop second guessing and doubting yourself. YOU ARE SMART, TRUST THAT!!!
Love yourself unconditionally. So many of grew up hating ourselves. How sad is that. I have found such love for myself on this journey. I know that everything I have done, every mistake, every setback has always been for my highest good. I am working at Cherry Valley Mall in Rockford IL this weekend; I have to say that I saw so many beautiful people. I could not believe my eyes. Here is why I saw so many beautiful people, because I finally see myself as beautiful. When you can love and accept and appreciate all that you have, you can then see it in others. That is a miracle in its self.
Respect yourself. Don't do something that you know is not good for you, or you know you are going to beat yourself up after. There are so many times we put ourselves in situations that are not good because we have zero respect for ourselves. We feel that we must suffer and punish ourselves too much. It is time to brush off the past and not look back. Start to respect yourself and your body TODAY, THIS MINUTE....It's that important.
Believe in yourself. Believe that you are one of the most important people in your life. If you don't think you are important no one else will. It has to start and come from you. It's so funny how people will joke about me being important. That is because I have set the standard. My girlfriend Melissa at work said "if Rita's not happy nobody's happy." The truth is, she is right. When I am being miserable people around are miserable. When I am flying high on life, so are the people around me. It is amazing how you can make a difference in so many lives. Believe that YOU ARE THAN IMPORTANT!
Affirm yourself daily. You have to tell yourself everyday how beautiful you are, how smart you are, how important you are. It is so important that you do that. You may have the worst day of your life, some people it will completely tear them down, other they can brush it off. The people who get torn down are the ones who don't tell themselves loving things, they beat themselves up. The ones who can brush it off, are always telling themselves loving things, they know it's not about them. Do the mirror work...you won't regret it, you'll only love yourself more!!!
Forgive yourself. We were not born with instructions. God did not hand us a book and say, learn and practice. We came here to figure it out. We are expected to make mistakes, that way we can always learn from them and teach others. Can you imagine that? Think about it, we are meant to make mistakes so we can learn. So quit beating yourself up and allowing others to beat yourself up as well. We are all unique amazing human beings, it is our job to make mistakes and learn from them. If that is what you are doing, you are living an amazing journey. If you are always trying to be perfect and not make the mistakes, I bet you are very tired. Enjoy your journey, forgive YOU, you FORGIVE OTHERS.
Honor yourself. You are very special and unique. There is no other person in the world who is like you. We are all made differently. Honor YOURSELF. Let the whole world know how special you are. Take care of your body, your mind, your spirit. Once you start to honor yourself, everyone around you will honor you as well. They have too, or they don't get to be in your life. You have the say. It's all about YOU!!!
Have a great Saturday my friends. Until we meet again.