Tomorrow is day 14, picture day. I will get my work out outfit on and snap a few pictures to see the results. I will be posting them as well. That way it keeps me in integrity with all of you. I want you to actually experience the work I am doing...I don't want you to have any doubt in your minds that you can do this journey with me. We are all in this together and that is what is keeping me successful. Every day I wake up thinking about all of you. I am thinking about what obstacles you will be facing and how you are plowing through them. I am thinking about when you look in the mirror are you starting to love yourself or are you still treating yourself badly. When you have a success are you focusing on the positive and rewarding yourself or are you blowing it off. I think about all your beautiful faces and how you are becoming stronger every day. How you are starting to Look and Feel CONFIDENT in everything you are doing. I would hope that some of you are getting to the point of sharing your story, your struggles and successes. How you are powering through your journey no matter what is in front of you. It is such an honor to be a part of this journey with you. I look forward to the next 352 days with all of you!!!
Who practiced quieting the mind? What did you do? What came up for you while quieting the mind? How did you feel when you shut your brain off for a bit? The first person who shares their experience, I will send you a special gift. Last Sunday April shared on the blog about giving up I sent her a special gift. Who will be next? I feel like this will be a great way for us to come together and start sharing. When I quiet my mind, I always get a FANTASTIC NIGHT SLEEP! Sometimes I will use my meditation cd, or some hypnosis, or my handy dandy ear husband will snore like nobody I have ever heard before in my life. When I awaken I am feeling refreshed and ready to go. I feel happier, confident and ready to take on the world. Also, when I get a great night sleep, I don't feel like I have to use food to keep me awake. I find when I am really tired all I want to do is eat sugar and drink yummy Starbucks coffee. You know what I am saying, Caramel Macchiato with extra shot of espresso...or the Frappuccino with an extra shot of espresso...anything that would be a comfort food for me. Keep practicing quieting the mind; you won't believe what you are capable of.
Tip # 8 from "30 Quick Tips for Better Health" by Don Verhulst, MD; Clean The Inside of YOUR BODY. This tip is talking about drinking your water. It is so important to be drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. If you are out in the humid hot weather, you need to drink more water. If you are doing strenuous exercise you need to put that water back into your body. If you have any chronic diseases and you are taking medications, you need to drink more water. The body is amazing and it is composed of 75 - 80 percent of water. All your cells need the water. In fact, your body needs the water to communicate with all the cells and organs. Our body is constantly producing toxins and taking in the toxins...we need the water to flush it all out. If our bodies keep the toxins in, we start to become diseased and very sick. Also, dehydration can cause your body to feel may only be thirsty and we are taking all the medications. So keep your be clean and hydrated with water....drink 8 - 10 glasses of water a day, and since we are all getting healthy and releasing any weight we don't need....we should be drinking 1/2 our bodyweight in ounces and then some. Let's keep drinking the water...we will be healthy clean beautiful people.
There it is....Today is Sunday, we have today to enjoy before the work week are you going to spend it? Are you going to be outside enjoying the weather, maybe walk the dog or go for a long bike ride? Are you going to plan a wonderful healthy dinner so that when you wake up on Monday you are feeling fantastic and ready to conquer the week? What are you going to do...I will be at an event helping women look and feel confident. I will be drinking lots of water and eating a very healthy low calorie meal. I will also quiet my mind and prepare for my work week. It's all up to you my friends. Remember the first one who shares will get a special gift from me.
Have a FANTASTIC SUNDAY!!! I can't wait to chat with you tomorrow!!!