That brings me to today's inspiration. How many times do we speak without thinking or we are now thinking a lot more before we speak?
T is about is it true? Do we know for sure what we are saying is true or is it hear say? I am finding more and more; if I don't know something is completely true I am keeping my mouth shut. I am finding that gossiping just is not my thing anymore. I used to speak out of truth all the time. It did not bother me if what I was saying was truth or not, I wanted to be included in the conversation.
H is about is it helpful? What we are saying, is it moving a conversation forward or keeping it stuck? Are we helping someone figure things out or having them stay stuck? Are we helping someone make great choices or are we keeping them stuck? Do we have jealousy in our intentions or are we pure in helping someone? These are some serious questions to ask ourselves. I have to admit I have been guilty of these questions, but as I get older and learn more about myself and become confident; I don't need to hurt anyone or keep them stuck in their life. I am confident enough and smart enough to realize there is enough abundance to go around.
I is about is it inspiring? When we are speaking to someone are we inspiring them or are we making them feel worse? Are we showing them there is a better way to life and we can have so much more or are we being selfish and making sure someone does not see a clear vision of what they can have? I have to say I have always shown people a clear vision of what they can have, however what they do with it is up to them. Sometimes I have been guilty of forcing my vision on them...that is not good either. To be inspiring is to show a vision and let the person decide for themselves.
N is about is it necessary? Is what we are saying necessary or are we creating more drama and disappointment? Think about it; if we share something with someone but add extra drama does it help the situation or does it make it worse? Seriously think about it....I have been guilty of adding on too and making things worse. We are all human; it is the process of learning.
K is about is it kind? When we are speaking with someone is it kind or is it gossip? Is it a conversation that we don't mind people knowing we are having? When someone says don't tell anyone I told you or don't let someone know we talked, you are not being kind. If you are talking about it, you should have your name attached to it; that way you know if you should be in the conversation or not.
THINK is today's inspiration. As we look at each letter think about how you talk to YOURSELF. Is it TRUE what you are saying to you? Is it HELPFUL what you are saying to you? Is it INSPIRING what you say to you? Is it NECESSARY what you are saying to you? Is it KIND what you are saying to you? Ask yourself these questions before you start talking to yourself. That little voice that keeps you stuck in the back of your head; ask that voice if all of this meets the criteria to speak to you....if not shut it down. We are our own worst enemies when it comes to language. Gauge what you are saying to yourself. Learn to love and only THINK before you speak.
Until we meet again my friends.