STRESS LESS! When we stress it causes us to eat more, more of what we don't need for our bodies and it causes us to put on weight in the middle.
Dance it OUT!!! I did that last night with my girlfriend...as we were finishing up work, we put the music up loud and threw our hands in the air like we just didn't care and danced a few steps. I felt like I was 21 at the clubs...
GO FOR A WALK!!! I love to walk, especially now that the leaves are changing and fall is definitely in the air. I love this time of year. Fall is my most favorite season. I love the way leaves smell when they are burning...I love the pumpkin and apple picking....I love the way everyone starts to decorate for Halloween and the holidays.
Breathe!!! Taking in fresh air this time of year is so crispy. I love it in the morning especially; it's like breathing in inspiration and beauty that puts a huge smile on your face.
GO TO BED EARLIER!!! I don't know how people do it that go to bad late and only get 5-6 hours of sleep. I would be useless...I always make sure I get to bed on time. I need my 8 hours of sleep...and as I get older, I feel like I need more.
Focus on what YOU CAN CONTROL!!! This part is so hard for me....I am a work in progress. I tend to stress about the things I can't control...for instance work. Work is work...we can't control who we work with or what happens. We can only control how we react and deal with situations. My business, I can control and I am the happiest I can be when I am helping women look and feel confident.
Reminisce About GOOD TIMES!!! I love to remember times when my son was little and things we used to do together. One memory I remember is when he was about 3 years old. He was in only a diaper on the porch with a huge smile on his face standing next to giant pumpkins. I love the way he laughed and smiled. Frankie always melts my heart.
Ask for a HUG!!! This one is hard. I will give hugs but I never ask for them. I am working on asking for the help I need. I tend to think that I have to do everything myself. Every day I challenge myself to ask someone for help or even a hug. I am getting better...definitely a work in progress.
Look for Opportunities in Life's CHALLENGES!!! YES, this too is a work in progress. Some aspects of my life it is a no brainer...in others I am having a hard time seeing it. I am constantly doing work on myself to be a better person. When I am put in a position that I am not enjoying, I will look at it and see what is it that I need to learn from this. Sometimes it may not be about me...however being in the situation still is challenging. The trick is not to let it get you down. That may be the lesson. You gotta keep plugging along and don't let anyone bring you down.
SMILE!!! Smile that is the best medicine. If you smile at someone for no reason, watch them smile right back at you. Also, when you are smiling...It will put you in a better place. It will also let the person trying to bring you down know that they are NOT SUCCEEDING!!! So keep smiling.
This has just helped me to have a better outlook for today. I love writing these blogs....I will be smiling all day. Thank you my friends. I already feel like a million bucks.
Until we meet again.