What to talk about today.......well, I went to brunch today with a wonderful friend out at a restaurant. To prepare for my meal I made sure I did not go hungry. When I had awakened this morning I had a small breakfast; a banana and a package of belvita with a cup of coffee. I also made sure I drank my water and took my vitamins. That way I would not be starving and cave on my goals. When we were being seated there was an advertisement on the table for mimosas....anyone who knows me, I am always ordering the mimosa...but not today...instead I had black coffee. I also ordered a seafood omelet with hash browns and pancakes. My main focus was with my girlfriend, it was not on the food. We were at that table from 11:30am until 1:45pm eating and mostly talking. One thing that I have learned about keeping the weight off....make sure when you are with people you focus is who you are with not what you are eating. I was breaking up my food, eating slowly and telling myself I am getting full. I ate less that 1/2 of my pancakes without any butter or syrup; I had a few bites of the hash browns and 3/4 of my omelet. I made sure that the first sign of getting full I had the waitress take my plates. I did not want to finish what was left. I was completely comfortable, not stuffed. I had a great conversation with a fantastic friend and I did not blow my goals over breakfast. I am feeling fantastic.
Here is Tip number 7 from "30 Quick Tip for Better Health" by Don Verhulst, MD, Calm Your MInd. It is the perfect tip for today. The sun is shining, just had a wonderful meal with a wonderful friend, now to continue to enjoy my day. At this moment my mind is very calm. When you calm your mind and your heart and give up worrying....your body responds to you. When you believe in God, Higher Power or whatever it is for you....you will tend to be healthier and your body will not hold on to the fat or the stress. You body will be able to function as it is intended. Different things you can do to quiet the mind is to meditate, bringing your hands together in a prayer position and pray, go for a quiet walk enjoying nature or just focusing on something that brings you joy and relaxation. The more you do that, the more your body will be able to do what it needs and you will start to become a happier person. Your body will let go of any undo stresses. Quiet the mind!!! What an amazing concept....So many of us have very loud minds....I definitely do as well. Sometimes I will shock myself as to how loud it is inside of my head. It takes practice to quiet the mind, but it definitely can be done.
Her is my task for us to practice...quiet our minds, focus on something that will make us happy and relaxed. It could be anything for you....just make sure you are quieting your mind. Then I am asking you to share with us or you can email me privately at [email protected] what you got for yourself. I know for me, when my brain is on overload, I eat like crazy....I will drink bottles of wine at a time....I am always looking to put something in my mouth that will calm me...But I have now realized that when I do calm my mind, I am not relying on food or drink....I can rely on myself. That is amazing for me...I am an extreme emotional eater...but I am definitely changing that one day at a time.
Okay my friends there it is...What are you going to do to quiet your mind. I can't wait to hear your ideas. Have a fantastic Saturday. Can't wait to chat with you tomorrow!!!!