Today's inspiration really spoke to me this morning. I am in a class right now called Creative Mind and Success and I am learning how God is everywhere including inside us.
We go through so many different experiences in our lives and it is always preparing us for our future. God always has a greater plan that we never understand until it is unveiled when we are ready. When we are in the thick of and experience we can never understand why; we feel that God is not with us...but when we are ready and we look back somehow it all makes sense. It does not take the pain away, but somehow it all makes sense.
When I think about this concept I start to really think about my past, thing that I have gone through that were difficult...even stuff that was good and fun. When I ponder events in my life I realize that everything I had been through has allowed me to be here today in my present life. I think about all the lessons I have learned along with all the great experiences I have had; I can truly appreciate everything I have in my life.
Have an amazing day my friends...no matter what has happened we are all God and everything is going to work out for our highest good. Until we meet again my friends...
With all my love...Rita