One thing about the change of seasons you can't ignore it; the seasons will come no matter what. It's like the stuff in our lives; no matter how much we try to ignore it somehow it is always in our face until we deal with it. "What you deny or ignore, you delay. What you accept and face, you conquer." How powerful is that? Think about that for a minute.....
How many times have we tried to hide or ignore our problems and they just would not go away until we dealt with it? I can tell you from my own experience it has been countless times...I still do it thinking I will defeat it this one last time. HAHHAHAHA It never happens; when I finally face my fear then it goes away, but not until then. I have learned my fears never go away until I do something about them.
What you deny or ignore, you delay. This is such a powerful but simple statement. We all do this every day in our lives and we are always expecting something different. We are always expecting the problem to go away all by its self. Then when we don't deal with it; we can't figure out why our dreams are not happening for us. It's crazy, it's like we are all stuck on this hamster wheel that will never get us anywhere but we keep trying anyway. Trust me....I am guilty of this all the time. If I would only get off my arse and face my fears life would be so different. But why do I torture myself this way...what is it that I am truly avoiding? This is something to truly ponder, it won't get figured out today, but what I can do is start to face those fears one at a time and read this inspiration when I am avoiding doing something that I know I need to do.
Today I share this inspiration with you because I know I am not the only one on the hamster wheel. I know that I have a lot of friends sharing the wheel will me; but today I am going to take one fear at a time and conquer it. This blog is about Empowering Women to be Healthy and Confident; showing each and every one of you how I do life and what I have learned to get to where I am at is truly my passion. When you get one step closer to your dreams it seems the fears get a little bit stronger and I have to work my muscles a little bit harder. But with all of that, I am so glad that I am where I am at. I have had so many wins in my life leading up to today and I know I have many more in my future. Right now is one of them, I have just realized a few things for myself and that will get me going for what I am up to for today just by writing this blog.
Go and conquer my friends and have an amazing day. Until we meet again my friends....
With all my love....Rita
OH...don't forget to listen to www.247thestream.com/wellness tonight at 6pm central time. I will be on with Cathy Baldwin and Ronda Young, this is one of my wins to be on the radio/internet show.