My heart is heavy today. A friend of mine has suddenly passed away in a head on collision yesterday. He loved racing his cars along with crashing them in derbies. He loved building them and buying them. It is so sad to know that is how he was taken...
He was to celebrate his first year of marriage on Sunday; instead we will be celebrating his life. His wife loved him dearly as he loved her dearly. He is someone who loved life and took every day as if it were his last. He truly knew how to live life to the fullest.
This quote has a lot of meaning for me. I think about my friend along with the life that I have been driving in. I will continue to live my life to the fullest and only live for happiness without regrets. You never know when you can be driving your last day in life. I never want to leave it undone with regrets.
Keep driving to your dreams my friends. Let every day be fulfilled with every person you love and everything you can do. Always lay your head down at night knowing you had the best day of your life. That you did everything you wanted to do and did not say someday. We never know when our last day will come to drive in our life. Don't leave anything undone.
Have a great day my friends. Until we meet again.