Today I have been feeling compelled to blog about this inspiration. I am always working on myself to be the best version of me I can. Often times I find myself trying to control the situation...but I always find out later that I am never in control. I grow in the direction that I am supposed to, not where I always want to. I hope that made sense.
I surrender to the natural flow of life...what that means to me is that I don't have any control on how life is supposed to happen. I am doing this work on me to be better than I was yesterday; however where to flow will take me is to my true purpose in life. I can't control the flow. I have things that I want in my life, but the flow is in charge and I need to learn to go with it.
I promise myself to be so strong & let nothing disturb my peace of mind...things happen in our lives that sometimes will take our peace. We are always in control of our own peace of mind; however sometimes horrific things happen to us and we lose our way...or maybe the flow will take us somewhere else for a bit. Today I learned of someone young who is an It Works Distributor and she has lost her 1 year old son and her husband in a horrible car accident. In this time of need in her life she is going to have to be the strongest woman on this earth to grieve and be with everything that has happened in these past few days. The flow is going to take her down a path on her journey that she was not expecting. In fact it was not at all what she wanted or even planned for; she will have to dig deep into her inner strength to create her peace of mind. The flow can be very powerful and it is up to us to learn and grow from it no matter how hard the current.
I choose to purify every thought that flows through my mind and the abundant source of positive energy that naturally flows through my heart...This is always a work in progress for me as I am sure for many other people out there. We have our lives and things that occur in them and somehow we need to figure out how to be positive and let our hearts love instead of harden. As the flow takes us to places we were not planning on going we need to see that there is always something for us to learn or do. In times like this it is so hard to see what it is.
I needed to share this with all of you; I don't know the distributor who lost her family so tragically these past couple of days, but my heart aches for her as if she was my own daughter. No matter what is happening in your life right now let it go and learn to go with the flow. Life can be so short for all of us...we never know where the flow will take us.
Until we meet again my friends...
With all my love...Rita