Courage! We all have courage inside of us. The courage is what keeps us going on our journey and all the paths we are taking. It truly is amazing if you thought about it for a second. It takes a lot of courage to get up every morning and start the day over. So many people have things happen in their life where they feel defeated and they can't go on. However, those people still get up every morning and continue their day. My best friend had one of the worst things that could happen to a mother, her daughter was murdered. Every day I watch this women get up and start all over again. She has been doing this for over a year and she is my hero. She still gets up and takes care of her other children, goes to work and works on a case to bring justice to her daughter's death. She is so busy in the doing that she does not realize how strong she is and how much courage she truly has.
We need to relax and take a deep breathe, sit a think about all that we have been through in our lives and on this journey that we are on. We are all beautiful women with courage that is amazing. I bet that each and every one of us can move mountains to get to where we want to go. It takes courage to wake up and start all over again. My friends WE ALL HAVE THAT COURAGE; it's time we start to tap into it.
Tap into your courage and know that you have it. No matter what happened yesterday or even a few minutes ago...use your courage. You CAN DO IT!!!
Until we meet again my friends.