As we shift from summer into fall it is a great time to think about the shifts that happen for us in our lives. Sometimes those shifts are big and bold and sometimes those shifts are small.
No matter what it is that you are striving for in your life, allow those shifts to come in. You are going to have big things happening for you and you will think that your life is finally taking a turn. But really it is those little shifts that happen that have the most intention. We always think that the next big thing will change our lives...but does it really? For me, it is a win to let me know I am on track. But what really allows me to know that my life is changing are the little shifts that go on. It's the new behaviors that I have been creating that are changing little by little to make my dreams come true.
When we practice every day our new life as if we already have it...that is when the change takes true effect. It is not different from a professional who has their own practice that becomes great over time. Think about it; a doctor or a lawyer has a practice that they practice every day to be great. When you are making changes in your life to be great you are practicing every day until it sticks and you achieve what your heart desires.
Think about that for today; what changes are you making that are small but making the most impact? Have an amazing day my friends...until we meet again.
With all my love...Rita