Every area of our lives we have a dream. Weather it is being a fantastic parent, a very successful business owner, maybe an #1 athlete, or the best employee. Whatever the area we have a dream. With those dreams come the strength and the courage to overcome any obstacle that comes into your path. I am sitting here writing this and realizing the weight challenge that I have, it is definitely taking a lot of courage. It takes learning from the mistakes I am making to get on the track that will be successful for me. What I am finding in realizing my dream is to eat sensibly, not over-indulge and get to the gym.
This journey has been quite an amazing one thus far. The roller coaster ride I am on is scary and exciting all at the same time. There are parts of the ride I am hating, but there are also a lot of the parts I am loving. But what is really getting me through is that I have awesome people who are close to me that I can talk to. I have friends who are able to show me my accomplishments rather that beating myself up. I always have to remember that I gave myself a year to release this weight and to be healthy. I am trying different avenues that will work for me and so far it is the reducing of the fatty foods and sugars plus getting to the gym.
What struggles are you having in this journey of a dream we are on? What are you finding fun, and not so much fun?
Keeping my dream alive is so very important. This is not something that I intend on failing in the end. I will get there and so will you!!!
Have a great day my friends. Until we meet again!!!