Today focus on what you are saying to yourself....as you speak to others it is usually the kindest words, but when it comes to speaking to ourselves not so much. Sometimes that Negative Nellie keeps creeping in no matter how many times we tell her to go home. We are no longer interested in what she is selling.
You have to always say to yourself how important you are. Look at your life; how important are you? How would your family be if you were not around? How many lives would be affected if you were not here? You are that important....Think of the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" that is each and every one of us...if we were not here, life would be a mess.
Always say that you are deserving...you work hard; you do a lot of good for the world and your family. That is extremely deserving. You deserve all that life has to offer you. You need to know that you are important and deserving.
Always say that you are loving. You are loving; you wouldn't be following this blog if you weren't. You are loving to all around you and you need to be loving to yourself. I bet you would go out of your way to help another....that is loving. You are important, deserving and loving.
Always say you are intelligent. Who else knows everything that you know. We all know something that is very special, something that no one else knows, something that can always help another see how important they are. You are one of the most intelligent people God has put on this planet to learn and to teach. You are important, deserving, loving and intelligent.
Always say you are worthy. Who else would go above and beyond the way you do to help another see how worthy they are. It's you and only you....you are important, deserving, loving, intelligent and worthy.
Always say you are compassionate. You will always say kind words to another sole to make them feel better, or feel their pain as they go through a loss. You will be happy for another when they are in their proud moment. You are important, deserving, loving, intelligent, worthy and compassionate.
Always say you are inspiring. You will help someone see how wonderful their life can be if they just keep going. You will help someone find their way when they are ready to quit. You are important, deserving, loving, intelligent, worthy, compassionate and inspiring.
Always say that you are brave. Who else will go up against all odds and never give up. Who else would defend someone no matter what it would cost you. You are important, deserving, loving, intelligent, worthy, compassionate, inspiring and brave.
Always say that you are true. It takes a special person to be true to themselves. It takes a special person to always be in integrity. You are that! You are important, deserving, loving, intelligent, worthy, compassionate, inspiring, brave and true.
Always say that you are strong. Look how far you have come on your journeys. Look at all that you have conquered. That takes strength to do what you have done. You are important, deserving, loving, intelligent, worthy, compassionate, inspiring, brave, true and strong.
Always say that you are able. You can to do anything you sent your mind to. If there is a will you are able to find the way, because you have always been able to do it. You are important, deserving, loving, intelligent, worthy, compassionate, inspiring, brave, true, strong and able.
YOU are the most amazing women that God has put on this earth. How cool are we to be able to be all these things. Each word applies to all of us. You are now ready to go out into the world today and be the best YOU God has made.
Until we meet again my friends...