Yesterday I shared with you some pretty big stuff about the fears that hold me back. How I sabotage my own self to stay stuck. Well yesterday I took the action steps to do what I need to do for myself.
I had signed up for a class a couple weeks ago that was last night that I was debating not going. The weather had been bad all day and I told myself "I was not going to put myself at risk". I battled myself all day...but guess what I did? I went to the class I signed up for anyway. I gathered everything that I needed and I went. When it was all said and done; I was on my way home and I was so happy that I kept my word with myself. I was thinking back when I was working a crazy schedule how I would love to be able to do these classes...and I finally got to go. I acknowledge it and was pretty happy with myself. In fact I was full of energy and went to bed feeling fulfilled and full of life.
Today I got up and cleaned my chicken coop from top to bottom, kept another appointment for myself that I had made and I am now preparing for my busy weekend filled with events I am working. I am feeling FANTASTIC right now...I am feeling UNSTOPABLE!
I am so grateful that I bare my complete soul to all of you on this blog. When I share, I have to truly look deep down inside of me and be completely honest. I love how much I have grown since starting this blog, and every day I keep getting stronger and wiser.
Today my friends fly as high as you can go. Don't let the strings of life hold you down or back. You owe it to yourself to keep going strong and when you fall get up again and start again!!!
Until we meet again my friends....
All my love...Rita