Did anyone treat themselves yesterday? I spent the evening with a bunch of amazing women getting read by my girlfriend Jamie S. Kuhn. Everything is absolutely perfect in the Domann World!!! It was wonderful to just sit and relax and take in all the accomplishments that we have all made. It felt great to know that the work I am doing on myself is really paying off. I have to thank each and every one of you who are following this blog, ven the women who are following in spirit. I am getting more followers every week. It is just an amazing experience.
The quote today really rings true for me. I have learned to surround myself with people who are like minded and have fantastic positive attitudes. I am able to stay positive most of the time because of who surrounds me. When I am down, and believe me I can get pretty down...I always have someone to talk me out of my mud puddle. I am always a better person for it. It is so much easier to stay on task with my goals and dreams when I have people surrounding me with the same attitudes. We all have different goals and dreams, but we all have them. We all keep each other on point with where we are going. It is amazing. With our weight release journey, I am around people who want to see me succeed, and my friends keep me going. Brighten my spirits and remind me why I am doing it. I am always filled with love and support around me.
Who are you surrounding yourselves with? I hope it is people who want to your achieve all your goals. If not, start to make some changes in your life. It is okay, you will be grateful that you did in the long run. We all have those kinds of people in our lives. I do, I just choose not to share as much or spend a lot of time with them. Every night when I go to sleep I am grateful for what I have and I give thanks. When I awake I am grateful for everything that I have and I give thanks. One thing that is different in the morning than at night, I have to recreate my positive attitude and move along with my day. If I have negativity in my morning or someone sucking the life out of me, my day is harder. If I am having an amazing morning I can build on it. But again, I always have people in my life who help build me up and keep me up.
Have a great day today my friends. Look around you and see who is keeping you up or who is keeping you down. Remember, Misery LOVES COMPANY!!! Don't let that be YOU!!! Don't be Misery's Company!!!
Until we meet again.