I have to admit being away from home for so long has made it a little difficult to adjust being back. When I was away I was able to do a lot of soul searching, creating new habits and being able to see my true potential. Sometimes when you go back into your environment you go back to the old way of living. Sometimes the fight to be new takes a lot out of you and it is easier to go back to the old. This is where I have been stuck for a while. I gave up on myself and allowed my environment to take control of me.
Today I am taking myself back. I know down past my toes I deserve to be the best version of myself. I know that I deserve to be successful and not feel bad or guilty about it. I know that I deserve to give my body the best nutrition and water my body needs to succeed. Nothing can hold me back but me; not even my environment. Truth be told; my environment was an excuse...I tend to be afraid of who I am. I know that I can do anything I set my mind too. I have such a drive for what I know I can be; but I have to tell you it scares the daylights out of me.
I can no longer run from who I am truly suppose to be. I was not put on this earth to fail or relive this life because I could not get over myself. Today, right now I am declaring that I am truly blessed with gifts that are going to set so many people free. I am that girl who is going to lead by example. No matter where we come from or what we have or have not done in our life...we can always start a new any time.
I declare that I am going to give up control and go with the flow of where I am supposed to be. I am declaring that I am trusting in God that he has my best interest at heart. I am declaring that I will do the work no matter what it takes and I will never give up.
Have an amazing day my friends...until we meet again.
All my love, Rita