I love this inspiration and I wanted to share it with you. We all have some sort of struggle that we say horrible things to ourselves and beat our person up. We don't realize when we do that, we are speaking an untruth to ourselves.
There are so many things that we experience in the world that is sad and tragic. We need to really start to look at who we truly are and start appreciating our gifts and talents. We need really dive into why we make ourselves so bad and wrong, and turn it around.
When we start to really dive into ourselves and start to see greatness instead of despair, we can then start to love ourselves. When we love ourselves we can start to love others. We will start to build each other up instead of tearing each other down.
Let's start to take care of our person, and be at peace with whatever it is that we don't agree with. Or when we start to see a bigger picture, let's celebrate our person and know we are right where we need to be.
We should all love who we are. We are all very unique individuals who have their own journey on this planet. We were not made the same on purpose. Let’s start to really appreciate, accept who we are wholly and live our lives as if there were no judgement in the world.
Think about it, children teach us so many wonderful lessons. They don't know if their skin color is different. They don't know if they are beautiful or not, they just love themselves whole heartedly. They don't judge themselves, or say cruel things to their person either. Over time they are taught that they are not good enough and fall into the trap.
That is who we are, the children that have fallen into the trap. Pull yourself out and start to love who you are. Be easy with yourself, and give you the best love you've got.
Just Rita Real Talk