I came across this inspiration on Facebook today and completely fell in love with it. I have found myself dealing with a lot this past month and had allowed myself to feel the emotions of it all. I found myself getting hit from all different directions all at once, I had no idea what was really happening.
I also found myself going through the emotions; being with everything that has been happening in my own quiet little way. I cried, screamed, yelled, went within and slept; most of all I decided I was stronger than the forces that were coming at me.
I processed what I needed, controlled my behavior and allowed others to do whatever they felt they needed to do. I did not respond, carry on, threaten or humiliate anyone. I did what I needed for my own wellbeing. What is amazing about that, no matter what was happening, I released the emotion and rose above the drama.
Can you imagine going through the tough times of your life and rising above. Not allowing anyone to put you in a situation that would allow you to stoop to the other persons level. This is what allows us to become stronger than we know our selves to be. What's important is to know that allowing yourself to go through the emotions, helps you to release the pent-up energy that will eventually cause you more pain. The stuck energy will cause you to say or do things that you will later regret.
When you do not react to a situation, go through the emotions, your response will allow you to become better and stronger than you were before. You will rise above and not allow anyone to take your strength. It does not matter who the offender is, what matters is who you are through it all, and who you are when it passes. Everything is temporary, this too shall pass.
The seasons are changing, pressure is on, and behaviors may be running high; remember who you are and where you are headed. Don't fall into the traps of people trying to keep you where they are at.
Have an amazing weekend my friends...Just Rita Real Talk