Angel Parties
Having an Angel Party is a great way to connect with your Angels and get the messages you seek. When you are at an Angel Party, you can be supported by your friends and family while receiving your messages. Angel Parties are fun and life-changing. When you sit down for your will receive and healing and clearing; the cards are laid out from many different the cards are revealed, they show where you have been, where you are at, and where you are headed. You will leave feeling inspired to keep moving forward in your life. Invite your friends and family; everyone getting read is $55-$45 per reading, pending the size of the party. 3-4 people $55; 5 and up to $45 per reading for 30 mins; you will realize that you are not alone and your Angels are always with you helping you in your life. It's an experience you don't want to miss out on; contact me to set up your party.